Download and install the EyeJack App

Download for Android

Download for iOS

Augmented Reality Viewing Instructions

Step One: Install the Eyejack App on your Android or iOS device (phone or tablet). You can find the App by searching on Google Play or the Apple Store.

Step Two: Open the App and tap the Eye icon

Step 3: Point the camera at the QR code included with your purchase. It may take a moment for the artwork to load

TIP: if the artwork doesn’t load, tap the arrow icon at the bottom right and return to the EyeJack App homepage, then tap the eye icon again.

Step Four: Once the artwork is loaded, point the camera at the painting or sticker to activate the animation.

TIP: if you still do not see animation, tap the icon at the bottom left:

Check if the artwork is turned on. If not, slide the tab next to Art and Joy right until it turns green. You can turn any of the separate AR off or on here if you like.

I hope you are now able to view Augmented Reality!

If you have any questions feel free to email me